Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Annee, Hayden, and Heather celebrated Halloween at school Friday. Here are a couple of pictures. Annee was a hula girl and Hayden went as Justin Morneau.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For the past six weeks Annee and Hayden have been attending enrichment classes. Enrichment classes are one hour classes offered after school for six weeks. Annee did drama, while Hayden again signed up for the astronaut club. Yesterday, Annee's drama class had their end of the class performance. Of course, Annee was brilliant. Hayden's football game against the Tigers was rained out last night. The next game is on Halloween. Annee also starts Girl Scouts on Thursday night. I believe that they will meet every other Thursday. Several girls from Heather's class are also in the group.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Animal Magnetism

Tuesday was Animal Kingdom day. Animal Kingdom is the home of Expedition Everest which was one of our favorite attractions on the trip (excerpt for Heather of course). Two other highlights were the 2 30 minute shows based on The Lion King and Finding Nemo. Since Animal Kingdom closes earlier than most parks we ate at Boma! at the Amimal Kingdom Lodge. It included both traditional buffet fare as well as more ethnic offerings. The majority of the crew seemed to favor more traditional foods. We also snuck in a trip to Downtown Disney to visit the Lego store.

The Tree of Life

We ate at Boma on Tuesday evening after Animal Kingdom. Not everyone fully appreciated the diversity of food offerings.

3 out of 4 Lasley's highly recommend Expedition Everest!

Annee and Hayden successfully complete their Kid's Adventure Cards and swear to protect the Earth.

The Lion King show was very good. Unfortunately the pictures weren't.


We were surprised to see Uncle Paul at Animal Kingdom.

A couple of photo ops at Downtown Disney.


Seems as though we have been pretty busy this Fall. Hayden has football 3 nights/days a week. They are still undefeated but will face a major test on Tuesday. The last two games have been rather high scoring affairs. Last Saturday they won 35-28, while this week was 56-42. Wednesday night was observation night for Annee's dance class. A couple of pictures are posted below. Annee is also starting Girl Scouts this week. Friday was Fall Festival at Briarwood which is always a bit chaotic. We had conferences with Annee's and Hayden's teachers. They seem to be doing quite well and staying out of trouble. Heather does her conferences next week and she has started Academic Team for the year. In our small doses of spare time, we have tried to get a little bit of house hunting in. No luck yet - we close at the end of next month so we need to start figuring out our next move pretty soon. Finally, we spent Saturday afternoon at Jackson's Orchard. We picked out our pumpkins and then carved them on Sunday. The big highlights were the petting zoo and playing on the old tires.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's Magic!

Finally have a minute to get some more Disney pictures posted. We spent Monday and Wednesday of the trip at the Magic Kingdom. The Magic Kingdom is Heather' s favorite park. There were only two down sides to the Magic Kingdom adventure. First, Space Mountain was closed for refurbishing. Second, I would have preferred a different ending at the Hall of Presidents attraction (it ends with Obama taking the oath). On Wednesday we at the Crystal Palace which had a character meal featuring Pooh and friends. Hayden enjoyed hopping around with Tigger. We'll try to get Animal Kingdom and Epcot pictures posted this week!