Thursday, May 20, 2010


Last weekend was Annee's dance recital. After rehearsal on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Annee performed on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. She did jazz this year after doing tap last year. Baseball and softball haven't gone as well this week. The Cubs struggled mightily on Monday losing 23-12, while the Huskies came up on the short end last evening. H,A, & H have school on Saturday. I don't! Annee plays again that evening and Hayden plays again on Tuesday. Below are links to video of Annee's dance recital. She starts as the fourth girl from the right (the 2nd one in the back row before quickly moving to the front row).

Saturday's Show

Sunday's Show

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cubs & Huskies Win

The Cubs and Huskies both squeaked out one run victories on Saturday. After leading the whole game the Cubs held on to beat the Blue Jays 22-21. The first three innings were quite outstanding for the Cubs. The Huskies had to come from behind to get their win. Annee knocked the game winning run in with a triple. Hayden plays again Monday, while Annee plays on Wednesday.

The Mighty Hayden at the plate.

I have taken over the pitching duties for the Cubs.

Annee Lou getting ready at third.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Catching Up

It is time to catch up on what is going on here in Bowling Green. We had a very nice Mother's Day weekend. We made a trek down to Tennessee on Saturday to do some shopping. Eddie Bauer appreciated our visit. After church on Sunday we had lunch at Shogun. As always, it was very tasty. Softball and baseball have resumed. The Huskies lost a tight one to the Her-ricanes on Tuesday, while the Cubs lost to the Braves Thursday. Both teams play again on Saturday with Annee's dance recital in between. Progress has continued on the house. They have started painting and will begin work on flooring next week. Below is a picture from Mother's Day and pictures of the house.

Annee's Room

Hayden's Room

Master Bedroom


Kitchen (Heather's hands are on the island countertop.)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wash Out

Heather, Annee and Hayden have now done something that I have never have - missed a day of school due to flooding. All baseball and softball games have been canceled through Friday. Below are pictures of Basil Griffin park where the water has covered just about everything including ball fields and the playground that A&H used to play at.

The wood structure in the center of the picture is the ampitheather where Hayden had baseball pictures taken last week. Water is at least 8 feet above the stage level. I would hate to be the owner of the car (to the left) surrounded by water in the parking lot.

Derby Day

Briarwood Derby Day was held on Friday to a packed house. Annee finished second in her heat while Hayden finished 5th in his. Below are pictures of the event and links to You Tube videos of Annee's and Hayden's races.

Hayden's Race

Annee's Race

Below are pictures of the Post-Derby Receptions!