Monday, August 9, 2010

Blogger's Block

As you may have noticed, July was a slow month on the Lasley Family Blog. I attribute the lack of posts to Blogger's Block. It was difficult to come up with anything to post about. Fortunately, we recently had a breakthrough and I was finally able to come up with a couple of things to write about. We closed on our house on June 30th and moved in on the 30th and July 1st. We had hoped to leave for our trip North on the 1st but we underestimated the daunting task that moving proved to be. We are enjoying the house and the neighborhood. Lots and lots of kids. Heather, Annee, and Hayden are walking to school everyday. I am currently busy watering our sod that came today. Hopefully we'll get some rain! We have Annee signed up for volleyball and dance, while Hayden is ready for another year of football. The gear is all new this year since everything was wiped out by the flooding. I'll try to catch up with pictures from our summer travels and then try to keep a bit more current. Below are some pictures of the move and the house.