Friday, October 15, 2010

All-Stars Remain Undefeated

The All-Stars remained undefeated with another victory Monday with a 2-1 win - each game was very close. Annee played pretty well and did a very good job serving. A link to a video of her serving is posted below. Tonight we have Fall Festival at Briarwood. Annee and Hayden both play tomorrow morning. Going to have to split up since the games are both at 9. WKU football is also home Saturday evening. Guess we will be busy!

Annee Serving

Monday, October 11, 2010

End of Fall Break

We wrapped up fall break with a short trip to Frankfort, Louisville, and Evansville. Annee, Hayden, and Heather made their first trip to Frankfort to visit the capitol. After spending the afternoon touring the capitol, we made our way to Louisville to see the Chlarsons. The highlight was watching Kevin and Jen's sand volleyball team roll to victory. Hayden was a particularly good cheerleader. We made our way to Evansville on Saturday where we stopped by Mesker Zoo and had dinner at Old Chicago. Sunday morning I ran in the Evansville Half Marathon. Was quite pleased with my time - 2:05:13 (9:34 pace). It was good for 844th place (out of 2347). I was 566/977 for male finishers. Below are pictures from our adventure.

Kentucky's Capitol Building

From the front steps of the Capitol

Annee, Hayden, and Abe

Annee & Hayden with Col. Sanders

Reception Room

Annee in the Supreme Court Chamber

In the House Chamber
View from the House Chamber across to the Senate Chamber

The Law Library

Heather, Annee, and Hayden in front of stairs leading to Senate Chamber

View from Senate Chamber across to House Chamber

Senate Chamber

Kentucky Flower Clock

Back of Capitol Building

Governor's Mansion

A&H with the jaguar lurking in the background.

Monkeys in their cage.

Getting up close and personal with the giraffe.

The Finish Line!!!

The race finished up in downtown Evansville along the river.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall Break Has Started

Heather, Annee, and Hayden have started Fall Break. I think that they were ready for it. The last couple weeks have been pretty busy. Hayden's Colts are 4-0 and Annee's volleyball team is also undefeated. Grandma Ann and Grandpa Jimmy were the weekend of the 25th. They were able to catch one of Hayden's games but Annee's game was canceled. I was also able to sneak in a 5k while Gma and Gpa were here. Finished in 26:41 which is 2:28 better than my first effort in May. It was good for 24th out of 80 overall and 21st out of 43 for male runners. Grandma Ann has hip replacement surgery scheduled for the 12th. Annee participated in two acts for the Briarwood Talent Show. Links to her performances are included below.

Annee's First Performance

Annee's Second Performance