Sunday, May 31, 2009

Take me out to the ballpark...

We had a weekend full of baseball and softball. Heather and I joined the Briarwood teachers at the Bowling Green Hot Rods game on Friday and then we all went on Saturday with Hayden's baseball team. The players were able to stand on the field during the National Anthem. Hayden was able to stand next to Bowling Green's $6,000,000 man (Tim Beckham - the number one player drafted in the 2008 draft). Members of our group were also selected for all the promotions. I was the bottom bun for the Wendy's burger contest, Heather double dipped - she did the guess the home price and lottery promotions and was able to stand on both dugouts. Hayden did the Ford's Furniture toss. It was busy but a good time. Annee and Hayden also had their own games on Saturday. The Cubs played well but lost a close one to the Nationals. The Wildcats also did quite well. Annee had practice today with a 6 and under traveling squad that she is in the process of joining. We also managed to fit in swimming and church. Below are some pictures from Saturday night.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Schools Out!!!!

Thursday was the last day of school so summer has begun for the Lasleys. Heather actually has to wrap things up today but the rest of us hope to make it to the pool this afternoon after we do some clean up around the house. Below are some pictures from the last day of school. We have a big Saturday planned. Hayden and Annee both have a game and Annee has team pictures. Later Annee will be going to Up with a friend or two and Saturday night we will be heading to the Bowling Green Hot Rods game with Hayden's baseball team. The players will get to go on the field before the game so it should be a good time. Heather and I are going to the Hot Rods game tonight with teachers from Briarwood.

Annee and Savannah

Hayden and Coach Kahlil at lunch the last day of school

Annee with Mrs. Wiles (first day above, last day below)

Hayden with Mrs. Edmunds (first day above, last day below)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Briarwood Field Day

Briarwood Field Day was on Thursday. Students rotate through 13 different stations. Here are some pictures from the festivities. Just three more days of school! The pool opened today!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We finally have some pictures from Annee's softball. They are not of great quality but they are better than nothing. The Wildcats looked very good on Tuesday against the Little Rascals. The Cubs lost a tough one on Monday and are still looking for their first win. Today was Field Day at Briarwood. Look for pictures over the next few days.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dance, Dance, Dance...

We made it through a pretty busy weekend. Annee had her dance recital and did a wonderful job. She did tap this year but is looking at jazz as her dance of choice next year. Below are some recital related pictures. A&H also sang in church on Sunday (well at least one of them did). Hayden and I tried to go to a Bowling Green Hot Rods game Friday night. The game was rained out but they still shot the fireworks. We also received 2 for 1 rain checks. Turned out to be a pretty good deal. We have been getting a quite a bit of rain so several games have been rained out. The Cubs had a tough one this week but hope to rebound tonight against the Thunder. The Wildcats play on Tuesday. Heather and the kids have less than 2 weeks of school! The pool opens on Saturday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's Day yesterday a bit differently than the past two years. The past two years Annee's dance recital has been on Mother's Day weekend, this year's recital is next week. This made for a little slower pace around the house. Weekend ballgames were washed out. Hayden stayed over at his friend Patrick's on Friday while the rest of us went to Hannah Montana. This week should be a bit busier. Annee has her dance recital on Saturday and Sunday and also has practice several nights this week. Hayden has a couple of games. Hayden and I might catch a Bowling Green Hot Rods game while the girls are at dance Friday. A&H sing at church on Sunday and then we have an open house Sunday afternoon. I also need to get some papers and finals graded. Hopefully we'll have a day or two without rain...

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Communion

Annee and Hayden had their first Communion yesterday. Annee also let everyone at church know we were there when her necklace fell apart and sent beads bouncing all over the floor. Baseball and softball games on Friday and Saturday were cancelled. Hayden did get a game in on Thursday. The Cubs ended up on the short end of that one. A couple of touchdowns would have helped.

Cereal Box Book Reports

Annee and Hayden have been working on cereal box book reports. Hayden presented his report to his class but Ms. Wiles had her students present their reports to students in other classes. Annee was able to present her book report in Mrs. Lasley's class. Annee and Hayden will be taking some reading and math tests this week. Only 18 days until summer!!

Derby Day @ Briarwood

Every year Briarwood has a Derby Day of it's own for 2nd graders and kindergarteners. The students make stick horses and design their jockey silks. Heather's class participated this year, while next year it will be Annee and Hayden's turn to run for the roses. As you can see from the pictures, it is quite a big deal for students (and parents).