Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We celebrated Mother's Day yesterday a bit differently than the past two years. The past two years Annee's dance recital has been on Mother's Day weekend, this year's recital is next week. This made for a little slower pace around the house. Weekend ballgames were washed out. Hayden stayed over at his friend Patrick's on Friday while the rest of us went to Hannah Montana. This week should be a bit busier. Annee has her dance recital on Saturday and Sunday and also has practice several nights this week. Hayden has a couple of games. Hayden and I might catch a Bowling Green Hot Rods game while the girls are at dance Friday. A&H sing at church on Sunday and then we have an open house Sunday afternoon. I also need to get some papers and finals graded. Hopefully we'll have a day or two without rain...

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