Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Midwest Farmer's Daughter

Tonight was the Briarwood Talent Show. Annee performed as part of the California Girls routine and was one of the Midwest farmer's daughters. Below are some pre-performance pictures and a short video clip. There is also a short clip of some of the Briarwood teachers performing as well. Hayden's teacher is the one with the white hat on the far right. Heather held the cue cards to help keep them on track. Hayden had his second football game last night. They came back from a two touchdown deficit to notch their second victory of the season. They are off until after Fall Break.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sale Pending

We are closer to selling our home. We accepted an offer last week and have the home inspection scheduled for tomorrow. If all goes well we will close on November 27th - our 10th anniversary. Rain washed out Hayden's football game on Saturday but he has one Monday before taking a couple of weeks off for Fall Break. Annee is participating in the Briarwood Talent Show on Tuesday. A&H still have perfect Sunday school attendance but that will end soon. We are working on getting ready for Disney. Loaded some music on the Ipods for A&H this evening.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hilltopper Football

Made it through a big weekend. Woke up on Saturday to find Annee down on the couch reading. It was nice not seeing the TV on yet. Hayden had his first game of the year. His Toppers did much better than the big Toppers. They dominated the Eagles 20-0. Hayden played Center. There were no fumbled snaps between him and the QB which is a pretty good accomplishment at this age. Their game this week should be much tougher as they play the Tigers. Last years edition of the Tigers dispatched the mighty Hilltoppers 30-0. Hayden, his friend Patrick, and I ventured up to the Hill for the WKU game that evening. Getting there in time to tailgate might show questionable judgment - the rain made it very difficult to get the grill started. The weather for the game was okay but the results were not. Annee and Heather were smart enough to stay out of the rain and had a girl's night. Annee also worked in a movie (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) with friends on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday. A&H still have perfect attendance for Sunday School but that will end soon with our Disney adventure.

What a sweet little bookworm!

Listening intently to the post-game talk from Coach Adams.

Hayden and Patrick at the WKU game - it was Patrick's first college football game.

The Turners with new addition Reagan. It was Reagan's first tailgate but she didn't make it to the game.

The rain didn't stop Hayden and Patrick from having fun.

The Topper Walk - Patrick is in the same class as Hayden. Hayden doesn't seem quite so big standing next to him!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are you ready for some football?

It finally feels like fall as we had a big weekend of football and volleyball. Hayden kicked off his football season with a scrimmage on Saturday. The Hilltoppers scored on all three of their possessions. Hayden played center. They have their first game this upcoming Saturday. Below are few pictures from the scrimmage. We hope to get some better ones at the games. WKU had their first FB and VB games as well. The volleyball team won their invitational tournament. They have a lot of new faces but should be pretty decent. The football team played their first home game as a bowl eligible member of the what was formerly known as Division 1-A. They hosted South Florida from the Big East. The Toppers held their own for three quarters but ran out of gas. We are now just a few weeks from Disney! Heather's back seems to be getting a little bit better and will hopefully get a lot better soon.
Annee & Hayden reading poetry on the deck!

Our favorite player is #79!

BG hosted a ballon festival this weekend. We chose football and volleyball over BBQ and balloons. Hopefully the dates won't conflict next year.

The game against USF was a blackout. A&H had limited options for their shirt selection but at least Annee was very well dressed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted but the good news is that there has not been too much going on. Hayden has had football practice three times a week. Annee has dance on Wednesday. Heather has been struggling with a sore back but it seems to be on the mend. Perhaps the biggest news here is that Annee had her hair cut. It had been quite a while. There are before and after pictures below. They are a bit fuzzy but you should be able to get the idea. We had a very good Labor Day weekend. Annee stayed at a friend's house on Friday which meant that Hayden and I played football, basketball, and baseball at the house. The pool closed tonight and assuming that no one else came in the last hour and twenty minutes it was open, the Lasleys were the last members to swim at Southland this year. The Hot Rods wrapped up their season as well. Hayden and I made it to the final two games. The Hot Rods hit a nasty slump starting August 1st. They ended up 5-9 in the games I attended. They switch from the South Atlantic to the Midwest League next year. Below are some pictures from Sunday's game. Hayden has his football jamboree on Saturday (pictures and scrimmage). WKU also opens up at home Saturday against South Florida. Hopefully it will go better than their game against Tennessee this weekend.

The Cherry Hall cupola lit up for Labor Day.

Above: Annee before the haircut. Below: After the haircut.

Annee enjoys rollerskating much more than Hayden does!

View from the seats down the first base line at Bowling Green Stadium.

The gift shop and logo showed up a bit better than Hayden did.