Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WKU Homecoming

We celebrated WKU's homecoming this past weekend. We took in the parade and volleyball on Friday. Saturday we went to volleyball and football, but were also able to get a little bit of tailgating in between games. Hayden wrapped up his football season last night. He played center for every snap of the season and did a pretty good job. Briarwood's primary musical is coming up. Hayden is a duck in the performance on Thursday. Annee is in the chorus for the Tuesday performance. Hayden and I are heading to the Titans game against the Bills on Sunday, while Annee has practice for the church Christmas program. Also will sneak in a birthday party and the Lady Hilltoppers first BB game of the season on Saturday. Just over two weeks until we close on the sale of the house. Should have news on where we will be living soon!

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