Monday, March 8, 2010

It's Been a While...

It has been while since the blog has been updated. Since the last post Annee and Hayden wrapped up their basketball seasons, Heather played in her annual faculty basketball game, and progress has continued on the house. Annee and Hayden's last BB games were on the 27th (of February). The girl's game was pretty physical but Annee did a nice job. Hayden's team again did quite well. He made pretty big strides this year. We are making the move to the County Parks and Rec league next season which will be a 3rd and 4th grade league. Baseball and softball will be starting in a few weeks. Briarwood had their March Madness last Thursday. This year the teachers played a team from Natcher Elementary. Briarwood prevailed by one. Annee was sick so Hayden was the only one there to cheer Heather on. I have had numerous reports that she did quite well. Grandma Connee is coming to visit this week and celebrate A&H's birthdays. Hayden is having his party on Saturday and Annee is having hers on Sunday. We are working on finalizing details of kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Below are pictures of the progress on the house. The windows and doors are in!