Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break - Lexington

After Cincinnati we made our way to Lexington. We visited Ashland (Henry Clay's Estate) and checked out UK on Friday. We met the Chlarsons on Saturday for an afternoon at Keeneland. Early afternoon showers led to a detour to the Lexington Brewing Company for a tour before we made it out to the track. Annee and Hayden were in charge of picking the horses and I was in charge of placing the bets. We ended up with a $6 profit for our efforts.

We are standing on the stairs down to the dairy cellar - the icehouses are behind.

Someone was paying close attention to the tour guide.

Pretty sure that being a jockey is not on the list of possible careers for Annee and Hayden.

Trackside for the final race of the afternoon!

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