Friday, June 24, 2011

Fast & Furious Fall, Annee Gets First & 2 Seconds at Swim Meet

The season came to an end for the Fast & Furious last night in the semi-finals of the tournament with a 6-1 loss. The pitcher for the Crush was the best that the girls faced all year. Not quite the ending that was hoped for but the girls did have a pretty good season. Before softball, Annee competed in her second swim meet of the summer. She did pretty well. Her relay team finished second and she finished 2nd in her heat for the butterfly. She also won her heat for the backstroke for the second consecutive meet. The next swim meet is next Thursday.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fast and Furious Advance

The Fast and Furious defeated SWAT 13-2 tonight to advance to the semi-finals of the post season tournament. Annee walked twice and hit a single to left field. She scored all three times. If the weather holds, they should have a tough match up on Wednesday evening for a trip to the championship game. The F&F are now 8-2 but 8-0 in games where the top pitcher has been able to play.

Father's Day Weekend

We had a great and reasonably productive Father's Day Weekend. We cleaned and organized the garage on Saturday. Put some shelves and hooks up. After church on Sunday, we focused on the outside. We put out mulch and planted a couple of new plants in the front. Even found time to mow! Annee wrapped up volleyball camp on Wednesday and Hayden finished basketball camp on Thursday. Annee starts her softball tournament tonight.

Annee and I putting the new grill together. We went old school with charcoal rather than gas.

Fancy new shelves have helped to spruce up the garage.

Autograph time on the last day of volleyball camp.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bowling Green East Banquet, First Swim Meet

We put the finishing touches on the baseball season Monday evening with the end of the season banquet at Bowling Green Stadium. Hayden and his teammates received their first place trophies. Hayden is staying busy this week with basketball camp at Warren Central. Annee participated in her first swim meet of the season Tuesday night. The Southland Sharks pulled out a narrow victory over Franklin Country Club. Annee participated in 4 events. Her best event looks like it might be the backstroke. She won her heat against two other Southland girls and three FCC swimmers. She also anchored her 9-10 Medley Relay team that finished first. The breast stroke and free style individual events were not as kind but overall she did a really good job for her first meet. The Fast & Furious ran their record to 7-2 on Monday event. They wrap up their regular season Wednesday before starting the tournament on Friday. Annee is also finding time to fit in WKU volleyball camp the first part of this week.

Annee touching the wall finishing her backstroke. I believe that she touched with her head first. That is something she will want to work on.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Begins; Reds Roll to Title!

Summer is now in full swing and we have made it through the first week. Annee has started with the swim team at Southland. Her first meet that she will participate in is Tuesday. Her softball team is now 6-1. She had her second double of the season in last Saturday's game. She has three more regular season games before the tournament. Hayden has wrapped up his baseball season. The Reds won the championship this evening with a thrilling 6-2 come from behind victory. Hayden got the rally started when he was hit by a pitch in the top of the 5th. Hayden ended the season with a .235 batting average but did have a .618 on base percentage.

We had a couple of birds that decided our grill would be a good place to build a nest. They would enter a hole on the left side.

Heather and Annee got in the spirit of I Heart Bowling Green day.

The Reds celebrating the victory over the Mets to clinch the title.

This season turned out much better than the last two. The last two season resulted in a total of 3 wins. The Reds ended this season 11-4.

The Champions!

Guess who threw his hat on the dugout roof?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Field Day

The last day of school was also Field Day. 3rd graders were in the afternoon. Fortunately, it only hit 91 degrees today. Here are a couple of photos from the afternoon's events. Summer has now started!

Last Day of School

Today is the last day of school for Annee and Hayden. Heather has to come back on Saturday and Monday. Hayden and the Reds ran their record to 7-4 last night with a win over the Giants. Hayden had 2 walks and was hit by a pitch with 1 RBI. He also had a nice unassisted putout during his inning playing 3rd base. They play again tonight before wrapping up with 3 games next week.

Annee & Mrs. Bunger on 1st Day of School

Annee & Mrs. Bunger on Last Day of School

Hayden and Mrs. Edmunds on 1st Day of School.

Hayden and Mrs. Edmunds on Last Day of School.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

May Recap

Just wrapped up a good Memorial Day weekend. Scott Erie stopped through en route to Florida so Hayden was able to get some wrestling in. Southland opened for the season and we made to the pool all three days. The water was much warmer Monday than it was on Saturday. Also caught a Hot Rods game on Sunday. Heather, Annee, and Hayden are down to their final couple days of school!

Have some catching up to do with May's events. Annee had her dance recital on May 21 & 22. She did a very good job. She has done jazz the past two years but is expressing interest in doing tap next year. Her softball team is 5-0. She has struggled with the transition to fast pitch but did have a huge double a week ago that drove in two runs (including the game winner). Annee is also now a Junior Girl Scout - pictures of from the Bridging Ceremony are included below.

Hayden's team is 6-4 and has five games to play in the next week and a half. He will be busy. He is in a bit of a hitting slump but is still hitting .308 with a .571 on base percentage.

Grandpa Cy and Grandma Peggy were here for Mother's Day weekend. They were able to catch a couple of Annee's games and one of Hayden's practices. Some pictures are posted below.

Since she is moving to 5th grade next year, Heather attended her last Briarwood Derby.

On the Thursday before the Derby I joined the Chlarsons on Millionaires Row for a Day at the Downs.