Thursday, June 2, 2011

May Recap

Just wrapped up a good Memorial Day weekend. Scott Erie stopped through en route to Florida so Hayden was able to get some wrestling in. Southland opened for the season and we made to the pool all three days. The water was much warmer Monday than it was on Saturday. Also caught a Hot Rods game on Sunday. Heather, Annee, and Hayden are down to their final couple days of school!

Have some catching up to do with May's events. Annee had her dance recital on May 21 & 22. She did a very good job. She has done jazz the past two years but is expressing interest in doing tap next year. Her softball team is 5-0. She has struggled with the transition to fast pitch but did have a huge double a week ago that drove in two runs (including the game winner). Annee is also now a Junior Girl Scout - pictures of from the Bridging Ceremony are included below.

Hayden's team is 6-4 and has five games to play in the next week and a half. He will be busy. He is in a bit of a hitting slump but is still hitting .308 with a .571 on base percentage.

Grandpa Cy and Grandma Peggy were here for Mother's Day weekend. They were able to catch a couple of Annee's games and one of Hayden's practices. Some pictures are posted below.

Since she is moving to 5th grade next year, Heather attended her last Briarwood Derby.

On the Thursday before the Derby I joined the Chlarsons on Millionaires Row for a Day at the Downs.

1 comment:

Cy said...

Glad you found some time to do more posting....we were missing the connection! So, thank you.