Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ravens Scrimmage, Happy Grandparents Day

The Warren County Youth Football League Jamboree was held Saturday.  The Jamboree is when they take pictures and the teams scrimmage before playing their first games of the season.  The Ravens defeated the Chargers in their scrimmage.  After a scoreless first half (they played two 20 minutes halves), the Ravens scored three touchdowns in the second half.  The Ravens start the season for real on Monday against the Cowboys.

Today after church we celebrated Grandparents Day with A&H's 5th set of grandparents - Ms. Cathy and Mr. Mike.  Our church started an adopted grandparents program last year and Ms. Cathy and Mr. Mike were matched up with A&H.  It has worked out very well and helps fill the gaps between visits from grandparents who don't live so close.  They attend many of A&H's games and have taken them out to eat.  They are also going to serve as A&H's confirmation mentors this year. 

Annee & Hayden with Ms. Cathy & Mr. Mike after lunch.

 Getting ready for the team photo.

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