Monday, October 28, 2013

Catching Up

Just some quick catching up.  I will try to add some pictures later.  Hayden and the Ravens have wrapped up the regular season.  The Chargers defeated them relatively soundly last Wednesday, but the Ravens rebounded with a 24-0 win over the Falcons on Saturday to finish the regular season 8-2.  We will be a 2 seed for the playoffs and face the Falcons again this Saturday.  Hayden also ran his last cross country race of the season on Tuesday.  It was another 3k.  He did a pretty good job this year.  We did not see many offensive lineman running cross country.  Basketball is next.  Hayden was drafted by the same coach he has had the past three seasons.  Annee will also have the same coach that she has had the past six seasons.  Practices should start next week with games starting in December.  Annee also has all state choir this weekend and has a swim meet on Sunday.

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