Thursday, March 15, 2012


Today is the 10th anniversary of my dinner at Popeye's Chicken near the ANOVA hospital in Alexandria, Virgina. I love Popeye's so it stands out in my memory. It also coincided with Annee and Hayden being born so they also turned 10 today. We had a fairly low key birthday celebration. They each had a friend over to sleepover. We went to a movie last night and then made a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's and Mr. B's today. With the birthday money they received today and the money they have saved, A&H will each be buying an I-Touch later today. Below are some pictures of the festivities (with a couple of leftovers from earlier). Volleyball games have started for Annee. Her team won all three of their games on Tuesday. They play two games this week.

Annee & Savannah taking a break from ball girl duties at the girls state tournament. I think that it is the free ice cream that was the best part of their job.

Annee did her last cookie booth of the season with some of her fellow Girl Scouts.

Ready for bed. Of course, getting ready for bed is a long way from actually falling asleep.

Present time!

Nerf gun fight!


Guess who's presents these are.

Otterboxes from G'ma Ann and G'pa Jim. I think that Grandpa Jim picked them out himself!!

Duct tape!!!!

We spent a lot of time picking the perfect present for A&H.

Fun at Chuck E. Cheese's.

Cookie cake!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice birthday photos. And showing off gifts! Nerf guns, the Nemnich boys have those!!!!
Annee the sports person is doing OK already!!!!