Thursday, March 29, 2012

Annee Swims at State Meet

Annee swam at the Kentucky State 12 and under Swim Meet last weekend in Louisville. With about 70 swimmers in every event it was pretty chaotic. She set a personal best en route to a 59th place (out of 75) finish in the 50 Fly. She just missed a personal best in the 100 Back and finished 66th (out of 73). She also swam in the 200 Free and 200 Medley Relays. She did pretty well in both events and swam better splits than she had before. Overall, the weekend was a success. Hayden, Heather, and I went up on Saturday. Annee was already in Louisville for a birthday party on Friday night. Her friend Anna moved up at Christmas and invited several girls from Bowling Green for a weekend slumber party. Annee went to sleep at about 3 am to make sure she was well rested for the swim meet. Hayden was pretty patient (at least some of the time). He did get some good food out of the trip and got a new Duke shirt. Unfortunately, we didn't get many good pictures from the weekend, but here are a few.

Coach Jay encouraging Annee as she brings it home in the 50 Fly.

Hayden pulling out his bed!!

Kevin and Jen came to watch Annee swim on Saturday night. We then joined them for dinner at El Torazo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a swimmer. Good for her!!! Wish we could be there cheering for her!!!!